Monday, April 25, 2005

Me and you both did damn well then. I left 65 up. I think almost everyone else left down, except maybe Anthony. There was a lot of money in the pot.

You know, I was just thinking about ten minutes ago that the BEST play I made all night was checking my three tens to you, and having you go all-in with nothing but an inside straight draw. I was happy that I kept my cool when your miracle card came and you won all that money from me. Not that I wasn’t happy for that hand where I got all that money back, and then some. I figured I was about a six to five underdog, giving how assured you seemed to be that you had the winner. I thought, “Well, Nathan is drunk, and even if I lose all my chips I’m still up five dollars since I loaned Tara the ten out of my stack, so why not call with this little boat and see if he’s just on a bluff.” I’m glad you didn’t see that two pair in the air, or you might not have paid me off nearly so nicely. Of course, what really made it funny was that I bet through the flop thinking I had flopped the straight myself with the 6-10. When the first six fell on the board, I thought, “Man, I’m getting counterfeited here, with 6-7-8-9 on the board.” And that caused me to take a closer look and realize that there were two eights and no nine. I even said, “Oh hell, I just realized I don’t have what I thought I had.” Of course, by that point I had the little pair to go with the eights, but I figured I was definitely an underdog, because a 9-10 (which is what you had, or did you have the 5-9?), 5-9 or any 7 or 8 or any higher pair in the hole made me a loser. I bet out anyway, hoping for some over-cards to fold, to better my chances and you just called, figuring to trap me on the end I guess. A big raise right there would have knocked me out, because I figure only a ten, nine, or a six, or maybe an eight will make me a winner, or else everyone else is on a draw too and my little pair is a winner already. The river comes six, and all of a sudden I am happy again, except for the smirk on your face and the chips in front of you which seem to say, “I have the eight.” Had to go with my gut, though.


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